Newcastle Emlyn achieved it's Fairtrade Town status in November 2014, the year that the Fairtrade movement celebrated 20 years of the FAIRTRADE Mark. This was the culmination of three years of campaigning by the local Fairtrade Steering Group.
The journey to become a Fairtrade Town began in November 2011 when a group of people drawn from the local community came together to promote Fairtrade in the town. Throughout the three years many activities, such as Fairtrade smoothie stalls, visits by Fairtrade producers, Fairtrade exhibitions at local events and presentations by guest speakers within the Fairtrade movement raised the awareness of Fairtrade in the town.
'To become a Fairtrade Town we needed to achieve five 'Fairtrade Goals' says Jill Sutton who co-ordinates the Fairtrade Town group and co-own's a Fair Trade business in Newcastle Emlyn.
Goal 1 is having the support of the Town Council, Goal 2 is Fairtrade products being available in shops and cafe's, Goal 3 is Fairtrade being supported by community groups, schools and workplaces in the town, Goal 4 is the awareness raising activities and media coverage for the campaign and Goal 5 is an active steering group.
The Fairtrade Foundation, who are the awarding body for Fairtrade Towns, said in the first Application Feedback 'It is not often that a town's initial application is already as strong and comprehensive as yours (Newcastle Emlyn's)'.
However Newcastle Emlyn's Fairtrade Town status was and is only the start of it's Fairtrade journey as the group had to renew their status in 12 months later and then they renew bi-annually.
Campaigning for Fairtrade in Newcastle Emlyn is a continual process, the steering group thinking of new and innovative ways to demonstrate the benefits of supporting Fairtrade both for the producers and our local community. The group have been successful in raising money for a visible acknowledgement of the communities support for Fairtrade, our Fair Trade Town signs which were erected in 2017 and 'opened' by local MP, Jonathan Edwards.

You can keep up to date with Newcastle Emlyn Fairtrade Group's activities through their Facebook page. The active steering group always welcomes new members so if you are interested in Fairtrade and Trade Justice issues and want to join the campaign get in touch with Jill Sutton, 01239 712835.
For latest news follow the Newcastle Emlyn Fairtrade Group on Facebook.

Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. Find out more about Fairtrade.

Goal 1 is having the support of the Town Council, Goal 2 is Fairtrade products being available in shops and cafe's, Goal 3 is Fairtrade being supported by community groups, schools and workplaces in the town, Goal 4 is the awareness raising activities and media coverage for the campaign and Goal 5 is an active steering group.
The Fairtrade Foundation, who are the awarding body for Fairtrade Towns, said in the first Application Feedback 'It is not often that a town's initial application is already as strong and comprehensive as yours (Newcastle Emlyn's)'.
However Newcastle Emlyn's Fairtrade Town status was and is only the start of it's Fairtrade journey as the group had to renew their status in 12 months later and then they renew bi-annually.
Campaigning for Fairtrade in Newcastle Emlyn is a continual process, the steering group thinking of new and innovative ways to demonstrate the benefits of supporting Fairtrade both for the producers and our local community. The group have been successful in raising money for a visible acknowledgement of the communities support for Fairtrade, our Fair Trade Town signs which were erected in 2017 and 'opened' by local MP, Jonathan Edwards.

You can keep up to date with Newcastle Emlyn Fairtrade Group's activities through their Facebook page. The active steering group always welcomes new members so if you are interested in Fairtrade and Trade Justice issues and want to join the campaign get in touch with Jill Sutton, 01239 712835.
For latest news follow the Newcastle Emlyn Fairtrade Group on Facebook.

Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. Find out more about Fairtrade.